Inbound marketing is a strategy that seeks to attract customers based on their problem rather than on your business. Your company will be more successful if it focuses on attracting the right audience for your product or service, and in turn, creating valuable content that delivers real value to your target market. Here are four reasons why inbound marketing is essential for any start-up success.
1. Inbound marketing is better for your business because it attracts the right customers.
Inbound marketing is a better choice for your business because it attracts the right customers. Rather than spending money on advertising your products and services, you can focus on creating content that answers questions and solves problems for your potential customers. Inbound marketing helps you attract the right customers for your business and helps you retain them as loyal customers.
Permission Marketing is the industry term used to describe online marketing that asks people to share information about a product or service. Permission-based marketing appeals to a desire for transparency when it comes to an understanding and acquiring new customers. On the other hand, inbound marketing appeals to a desire for insight and building new relationships with your audience.
There are no hard and fast rules for deciding who your audience should be — perhaps your growth hypothesis should focus on segmenting your target audience into high-satisfaction, low-satisfaction, or median customers. For startups and product companies, analyzing your customer’s data, having customer success conferences, and constantly tweaking your products and services can help determine who your ideal customers are, what problems they solve, and which channels they should bring new customers to.
In-person events like conferences, online meetups with other entrepreneurs, and virtual summits can outperform virtually held events. Virtual events don’t have the travel restrictions that can drive home the point, and real-time events can be too time-intensive. However, conventions and trade shows are the traditional marketing template, and they are looking for live content.
Conventions and tradeshows can attract people like sceptics, while virtual events can attract ideal customers and allies. Of course, everything in marketing is a trade-off, but if you want to get results as a startup, focusing on events is the path to do so, even if it means you sacrifice an online presence.
Translation: Seek help for small problems. There is an opportunity for growth for each small problem because you can solve both the problem itself and the problem of getting superpowers by solving other people’s problems.
We’ll script the above quote above into fun marketing quotes and then provide a visual example.
2. Inbound marketing will help your business rank higher on search engines so more people can find you, too!
If you want to get more customers, you have to do more than just put up a pretty website. You have to use inbound marketing to get more people to find you. Inbound marketing is a great way to get links to your website from other websites and to get your website to rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing.
Landing pages on search engines can deliver important results. For example, Google’s first result for a search using the keyword “new year” is a page from Yahoo! Finance. According to Moz, Yahoo! Finance has the best possible rank if you click through to the website. That is because the page is optimized for that first position on Google.
In other words, your website’s sales page is key to getting you to rank highly on Google. As rankings go up, more people read your content. You can use SEO strategies to get more traffic and improve your rankings.
However, having high monthly traffic may not translate into long-term growth for your business. Google is becoming more and more aware of the importance of content, and in-depth content provides more value than a high traffic number.
With that in mind, overly promotional websites can lead to their demise. Instead, you want to develop content that provides different types of value to your audience.
People want joy. They are willing to spend their money on things that make them happy. The recent explosion of content platforms like Medium creates more opportunities for you to provide punchy inbound content from a genuine perspective.
The value you provide through an inbound marketing strategy can be found in marketing, just like the ways Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn popularity grows. However, just because you can show up on search engines, it does not mean your site will rank well. For example, having long lists of code snippets does not sell books; the audience will not buy your books regardless, and your audience will not follow you for long.
An inbound strategy focuses specifically on one or two key verticals (e.g., content strategy, audience growth, marketing, corporate relations) that your company has identified.
3. Inbound marketing is great because it gives you a lot of control and flexibility to get started right away.
Inbound marketing is a great way to get started for any company, no matter what size, because it gives you a lot of control and flexibility to get started right away. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on ads to get going or wait for a salesperson to come knocking on your door. Unlike traditional methods, which can be time-consuming and expensive, inbound marketing is straightforward to do and inexpensive to set up.
Inbound marketing works by identifying the needs of your audience, deciding what you can’t or won’t do, and developing lots of content that satisfies those needs. It doesn’t matter if your content is catchy or funny, has lots of visual appeals, or is professionally produced. If it provides value to your audience, if it makes them aware of your company, and if it provides actionable solutions, you’ll attract a customer who’ll stick around and purchase your products or services.
All you have to do is create content that solves your customer’s problems. What makes it so simple? Too many marketers spend a fortune trying to figure out who their ideal customers are or spend hours designing and creating different kinds of content that will attract them. Inbound marketing is practical because it shows you how you can serve them instead of figuring out how they want to be served.
Let’s say you sell insurance policies to small businesses, and you have a great website that describes your products and services. It looks great. Does it solve the problem of small business owners in your area? Probably not, because aside from saying you’re a company that insures small businesses, there isn’t anything else that you do to define or position yourself dramatically different from your competition.
That’s why starting an inbound marketing strategy for your small business is enough to turn your strategy into action. The best way to do this is by creating lots of content that answer people’s questions about the products and services you offer.
4. Inbound marketing will help you generate leads and capture the attention of your target audience.
Inbound marketing is a great way to connect with your target audience. Inbound marketing is about creating great content useful to your audience and then using social media, guest posts, and other platforms to promote that content. The goal is to be helpful and build trust with your audience so they’ll want to learn more about your business.
Social media is great for building relationships and fueling conversations around a difficult topic. However, without content, this isn’t a fruitful approach. Inbound marketing functions similarly to social media: With inbound marketing, you focus on connecting with targeted audiences and giving them valuable content they can use. Using it to connect with your audience is key for making sure you build a relationship and deliver something of real value to them.
Inbound is becoming more and more important as consumers shift to more mobile-first businesses. Previously, you nurtured an audience via inbound marketing by creating content to get your target market interested. But since the content is less and less important to an engaging user experience today, it’s about using social media well.
For example, you could start boosting buzz around a certain marketing trend by sharing articles showcasing it or write about it on your blog and let social media buzz run rampant. This could easily become a self-sabotaging cycle because no one wants to be an original thought meme hopeful. Creating content that requires thought and consideration will almost certainly create more value for your audience.
Social media creates a feed for you and your digital audience to consume information. But like anything else in life, content is the beginning, not the end. People will continue to skim and consume things on social media, but they’re either curious about something or want to remember it. They’re not obsessed with it or seeking it out. Relying on your Facebook or Instagram followers to constantly ensure you engage with content is limiting. No one wants to tout your brand and marketing to everyone they know constantly.